End Gun Violence Awareness Days
Giving Our Faith Legs
Using nonviolent direct action to bring about change
A End Gun Violence Awareness Day is local faith communities planning an event devoted to community education around issues of gun violence and its impact on all of us. A planning team selects a date that works best for the community and recruits leadership who have a stake in issues connected to gun violence prevention. Typically, interfaith participants gather at a local congregation’s space for prayer, reflection, and moments of education. A procession through the streets of the community with signs and music, ends at the location hosting the Memorial to the Lost®, erected prior to the event, where victims of gun murder are remembered with communal prayer, meditation, and commitment to end the violence.
Opportunities for advocacy exist in the form of letters to legislators, supporting common sense gun laws. Each Gun Violence Awareness Day is designed by the community within its own context.
For more information and to begin planning a local Gun Violence Awareness Day, contact Heeding via email or by phone at (245) 385-3404.